Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Castaway - Original Film Soundtrack (LP)

This is the original LP version to the movie soundtrack of Castaway. As I stated in my previous post, regarding She's Having A Baby, I'm really not a fan of soundtracks. However, this one is slightly worth it. It features Kate's song "Be Kind To My Mistakes"... and there is a HUGE difference between this version and the version that Kate released as a B-Side. The Castaway version is longer and far superior, in my opinion. It's clear from the Castaway version that when 'Be Kind To My Mistakes' was released as a B-Side during the Sensual World era, it was really edited down to nothing. In fact, it was totally crucified, in my opinion. It really is a tragic shame. The Castaway soundtrack is the only way that I know of where you're going to hear the "real" version of this great song.

I should also point something else out. There was a CD put out by Columbia Records in the U.S. called  "Aspects of The Sensual World". Be Kind To My Mistakes is one of the tracks featured on that CD. On the back it's listed as the Castaway version. It's not! It's the exact same heavily edited down version you find everywhere else. You can read more about that post here.

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