Tuesday, June 4, 2024

A Book of Dreams


I meant to post this a while ago... or maybe I should say a few years ago. Time has a habit of getting away from me.

Anyway, this is the 2019 reprinted version of Peter Reich's A Book of Dreams that Kate based Cloudbusting on. I know a lot of people have already read this book, but for anyone who hasn't, I definitely recommend it. It inspired many over the years, most famously Kate, of course, but also Patti Smith and a whole slew of others.

Apart from the cover, there's an acknowledgements page where Kate gets a mention. Following this are two preface sections about past editions. The other thing I want to mention is within the chapters themselves. If there's a break within a chapter and a gap is left separating paragraphs for whatever reason, there's a little circle with a silhouette of the front picture put there. It's a very small detail, but a nice one.

I still have my old copy of the entire book posted in my Blog Pages, and I plan to keep it up, but if you'd like to get your own copy you still can at Amazon. 

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