Friday, July 25, 2014

Guido Harari - Fotografie in Musica

Fotografie in Musica, which simply translates to ‘Photographs in Music’, is a wonderful book by photographer Guido Harari, that was printed in 1991. The book originally comes with a removable orange wraparound strip. I know the strip doesn't appear to look very orange in my scans, but trust me it is.

The full dust jacket. I'm not sure how much blogger is going to shrink this down in size, but hopefully it comes out well enough to see everything.

This is how the book looks without the dust jacket. It has a nice hessian type covering.

Quite recently, I was lucky enough to get a hardcover copy of the book directly through Guido, and he even kindly signed it for me.

Apart from the handwritten facsimile intro by Kate, the entire book is written in Italian. Even if you don’t understand or speak Italian (like me) it’s really no big deal as far as I’m concerned. The photos in the book really speak for themselves, and in my opinion that’s really all it’s about. It really is a stunning book, so if you can get your hands on it for a decent price I really recommend it.

Whether you’re a Kate Bush fan, a fan of Guido Harari’s work, love music or photography in general, there’s something for everyone in this book. It’s absolutely stuffed with both colour and black & white photos.

Apart from the dust jacket cover and the intro, Kate gets two full colour pages in the book. Unfortunately, this is one book that I will not scan in for the simple fact that it's tightly bound and I don't want to snap the spine on it.

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