Saturday, January 7, 2012

Wild Man - Promotional UK CD Single

Just like the promo CD for Deeper Understanding from Director's Cut, the  promo CD of Wild Man is the only physical release from 50 Words For Snow.

Even though this is only a promo release, I do have one personal disappointment with it. Unlike the promo release for Deeper Understanding, which came in a proper cardboard CD sleeve, which you can see here, the one for Wild Man is nothing more than a folded piece of printed paper. Personally, I have never seen any official promo sleeve so cheaply done before. It's absolute crap to be honest. I’m sure this was done to cut costs and save money, but it's still a huge disappointment. You really need to keep something like this in a protective plastic sleeve since the CD itself doesn't really have anything proper to rest itself inside of. I just think it's a real shame they couldn't be arsed to make a fully functioning sleeve for it. The opposite side is blank, so I didn't bother to scan that in.

The CD contains two tracks; the edited version of Wild Man and the album version. The CD itself is fairly basic and plain, with a fairly average typeset writing and a very small Fish People logo at the bottom. In fact, if you compare this promo CD to the one for Deeper Understanding it's not nearly as nice.

My scan of the CD didn't appear to come out as well as I would have liked, so I'm keeping one of my original photos here, so that people can see it better.

This one is alright to have if you're collecting all of Kate's individual singles, but spending any kind of real money on this one would be a waste - so skip it if you can live without it.

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